Workshops 2020-21

Calling all Creative Minds!

In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organising Committee has pushed forward and put together another great slate of interesting and informative writing workshops.  

Because of the uncertain nature of the pandemic, we have two alternate venues: 

  • LIVE at the Maison des Associations, 1a Place des Orphelins, Strasbourg, or
  • ONLINE via ZOOM. 

The venue chosen for each workshop will be announced to its participants prior to the scheduled date. 

Please take a look at the schedule below and sign up for the workshop(s) you wish to attend.  The workshops will be free of charge but you must register here in order to attend.


Date/Time Trainer Venue Content
Sat. 17 October
Mohale Mashigo Maison des Associations, 1a Place des Orphelins, Strasbourg A Whole New World. With the world changing and everyone looking for a “new normal” an opportunity for us to fully use our imaginations and write a new hour, day and world. Where will your imagination take us?
Sat. 7 November
Denise Donnio Online via ZOOM Working with a Theme. A theme can open doors to places we may not have imagined visiting in our writing. Through several themes which will be introduced in this workshop, the space will be carved out to enjoy a time to free write and share with others, allowing the theme to lead the first steps of the way across your page. 
Sat. 21 November
Julia Weston Online via ZOOM Exploring Voice. An exploration of how we use ‘voice’ in creative writing, using distinctive authorial or character points of view, enriching character portrayal and looking at diction and dialogue.
Sat. 5 December
Helen Mundler  Online via ZOOM Experimenting with Form. This workshop will take as its point of departure a short story written entirely in lists. Together we will think about when and why an innovative form might be appropriate, and what it can achieve that a more traditional form cannot. We will discuss your own ideas for breaking the bounds of form, and work through some writing exercises together. We will also explore our reactions as writers to traumatic events – do they silence us, stimulate us, or make us write otherwise?
Sat. 9 January
Jennifer K. Dick  Online via ZOOM From Memory to Character. This generative workshop is designed to help build character-based stories. Breathe life into these new beings you ink into the world, onto your pages where they will emerge and head out on fabulous adventures. But where do characters begin? Some say from questions, others, from recollections of people we have known, seen, or spied on. The goal of this workshop is to sketch, like a studio artist might, a few new characters based on some exercises.
Sat. 23 January
Denise Donnio  Online via ZOOM Writing With Comfort. Truth becomes fiction the moment the writer wants it to … We all have a story to tell. Finding a comfortable place to begin isn’t easy. Writing with comfort could begin with our own stories, and seeing allowing them to lead the way. This workshop will explore the stories we all have to write and the need and importance of allowing our own experience to seep between the lines.
Sat. 6 February
Julia Weston Online via ZOOM Creating a Place: worldbuilding and settings. How to create an interesting, engaging and believable world in any genre to enrich and serve your story.


Free the writer within!