
Final Workshop Postponed

The current pandemic has forced the Organising Committee to postpone the last workshop of the year.  Once the situation changes to the point where it is safe to reschedule it, the Committee will announce the new date and time here and via email to those currently registered.

Date/Time Trainer Venue Topic
Sat. 29 September
10.00-12.00 Workshop full
Helen Mundler Maison Des Associations de Strasbourg, 1a Place des Orphelins, Strasbourg Beginnings and Endings
Sat. 20 October
Hal D’Arpini Amerikanische Bibliothek, Kanalweg 52, 76149 Karlsruhe Repetition (based on Ursula LeGuin’s book, Steering the Craft)
Sat. 3 November
Denise Donnio Maison Des Associations de Strasbourg, 1a Place des Orphelins, Strasbourg Finding Creativity
Sat. 1 December
10.00-12.00Workshop full
Julia Weston Maison Des Associations de Strasbourg, 1a Place des Orphelins, Strasbourg Bringing Stories to Life
Sat. 12 January
10.00-12.00Workshop full
Mark SaFranco Maison Des Associations de Strasbourg, 1a Place des Orphelins, 67000 Strasbourg Writing the Short Story
Sat. 19 January
Hal D’Arpini Carl-Schurz-Haus / Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut, Eisenbahnstraße 62, Freiburg, Germany Repetition (based on Ursula LeGuin’s book, Steering the Craft)
Sat. 8 February
Julia Weston Maison Des Associations de Strasbourg, 1a Place des Orphelins, 67000 Strasbourg

Time to Write! Practical tips, writing and feedback

Sat. 25 April
09.30-12.00      Workshop postponed
Susannah Gent Munsterhof, Salle Notre Dame, 9 rue des Juifs, Strasbourg

Emotional Dreams and Structural Analysis


Free the writer within!